Funding agencies for Uganda’s Freshwater Biodiversity data portal
JRS Biodiversity Foundation is the primary funding agency for the development of the Freshwater Biodiversity data portal for Uganda. Since 2018, JRS Biodiversity Foundation has funded NaFIRRI in a project aimed at increasing the utility of freshwater biodiversity data and information in Uganda.

The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), through its Biodiversity Information for Development (BID) program supported NaFIRRI in a project aimed at increasing capacity for biodiversity data mobilization, and publishing between 2017 and 2018. The BID is financed by the European Union

The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) through its CEBioS (Capacities for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development) program has supported NAFIRRI in data mobilization. The CEBIos program is financed by the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGD)

The National Agricultural Research Organization(NARO) , has provided co-funding to the development of this data portal. The NARO is funded by Government of Uganda

The SERVIR Is a joint initiative of NASA and USAID helping developing countries use geospatial technologies in the management of natural resources. SERVIR Eastern and Southern Africa (SERVIR-ESA) is implemented by the Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD). The initiative supported acquisition of equipment including computers for data acquisition and generation of geospatial information.